Included services
During a holiday in at Hotel Glanzhof you will enjoy many complimentary services for which you do not have to pay extra:
- free Wi-Fi (fiber optic network) in all rooms, suites and apartments, as well as in the entire hotel area
- free use of the indoor swimming pool, outdoor swimming pool, whirlpools and infrared cabin
- in the afternoon, free access to the saunas and fitness room
- use of the sunbeds by the pool and of the loungers in the spa
- bathrobes and bath towels during the stay
- an overview map and a guide of Marlengo with useful information, suggested walks etc. on arrival
- lockable bike room in the garage
- for golfers: tee times reservation through the reception
- for children: playing room, sandpit and swing as well as board games to borrow at the reception
- as guests of our house you will receive the MUSEUMOBILCARD 2024 free of charge.
This card includes the following services: - Buses (city and extra-urban buses)
- Regional trains
- Cable cars: Mühlbach-Meransen, Burgstall-Vöran, Vilpian-Mölten, Bozen-Kohlern, Bozen-Ritten
- Mendel funicular
- Ritten narrow-gauge railway
- PostAuto Schweiz bus service between Mals and Müstair
- Entry for 1 visit to around 80 museums in South Tyrol