How to get to our hotel in Marlengo

Our hotel in Marlengo is easily accessible by car, train or plane. On this page you will find the different directions and travel options.

The mobile card allows unlimited use of the public transport in South Tyrol, so you will be able to reach all attractions without your car.

How to get to Marlengo near Merano by car

From the north-east and south of Europe: take the motorway A22 until the exit Bolzano Sud, than the express way (MEBO) Bolzano-Merano, exit at Marlengo, go straight on across the bridge and then turn right towards Marlengo.

From the north-west of Europe: cross the Resia Pass or the Ofen pass towards Venosta valley and go straight on until Forst (Brewery Forst) before Merano, than turn right towards Marlengo following the road signs.

Calculate your route to our hotel in Marlengo with this route planner!

How to get to Merano and Marlengo by train

From every bigger city in Europe there is a rail connection to the railway station of Bolzano, from there you take the local train to Merano which runs every half an hour. Please indicate your estimated arrival time when booking your stay and we will pick you up at the railway station in Merano or Marlengo.

Luggage transport service to South Tyrol

Ship your luggage in advance! A courier will pick up suitcases, bags, sports equipment etc. and deliver them in our hotel in Marlengo.

CALL US +39 0473 447230

Room details


Hotel in Marling bei Meran